find the golden butterfly within - AND you will never be without

"Taun possesses a rare poetic gift; his lines of poetry are written with incredible ease, and yet they carry such deeply profound messages".
- Natalia Bozhok indépendant poetry critic -

(metamorphosis) noun. The process of transformation from an immature form, to an adult form, in two or more distinct stages.
There is a stage during the process of metamorphosis, where neither the Caterpillar, nor the Butterfly, can be said to exist. The dissolution of the former self is so thorough, that not one single stone is left standing in its original place. And yet, death could not touch the caterpillar, even when it was broken in pieces.
From a caterpillars perspective, death is the end of life. For the butterfly, death is just the beginning. In 2012, at the age of fifty one, I died.
My sincere gratitude to Valeria Semchenko who dedicated so much of her time to assist me in producing this book. Maria Martynova for taking care of all the legal work. Finally, I would like to thank all the heroines who opened their hearts to me, this book would not have been possible without you.