Written for Karina Boroday

A chance meeting with a Russian heroine, by the name of Karina Boroday. led to an invitation to join VKontakte (the Russian equivalent of Facebook). Prior to knowing Karina, I had never considered writing a book of poems. As I was browsing through her profile, I found a photograph of her sitting in a field. I wrote down what I felt, in the form of a poem. When I shared the poem with Karina, she was shocked by how deeply I had been able to peer into her soul. Karina shared the poem on her profile, and it started a chain reaction.
Written for Valeria Semchenko.

Russian people still have a deep respect for poets and writers. The fact that I was an unpublished author did not stop many heroines from coming forward to share their story with me. Just a few days after Karina posted The Golden Fields of Autumn I wrote another poem, ‘Bird in a Cage’ for Valeria Semchenko. Within a short time Valeria quit her job so she could assist me full time with the project. I wrote the poems, and chose the accompanying image to each poem, Valeria managed everything else. This book would not have been possible without Valerias unwavering faith and belief in this book,